Explore Isle of Skye 

There are many places to see and things to do on Skye we are always more than happy to help you plan your visit when you are here but we have provided a few hints and contacts to aid your visit.

No matter what your interests are, there is something for everyone on Skye! Whisky lovers can visit the distilleries, outdoor adventures can walk and hike, foodies can visit our local inns and restaurants, and for those with sea legs can jump on boat trips and explore the island from the water. 

Old man of Storr

Situated above Portree(23 miles away). In the height of the season, it can get very busy and we recommend going either first thing in the morning or later in the evening, thus avoiding the crowds. It is a mud track and takes 45 minutes to walk up to the stack to take the best photos - not recommended for someone with disabilities or the elderly (unless fit). You can always take photos from the road but obviously not as spectacular as the ones encapsulating the lochs and mountains etc.

Fairy Pools

Water melts and flows from the famous Cuillin Mountain Range via a small river/stream which cascades over several natural pools all the way down. There is now a new path that takes you up beside the pools and you may see people bathing/ swimming (wet suits are recommended!!). There is a charge of £6 (2023) for parking and as the pools are situated on a single-track road can be a challenge in the summer months with all the other tourists heading for the same place - again as with the Old man of Storr we recommend a first or last policy to avoid this.


There are literally thousands of waterfalls on the island (one every few yards during bad weather). Some of the better ones are Rha Falls in Uig and Lealt Falls on Staffin Road, although many more exist if you are capable of a bit of adventure.

The Quaraing

An amazing area of natural beauty best enjoyed by walkers but accessible by road (single track) for those less able, affording views and photo opportunities.

Dunvegan and Armadale Castles

Dunvegan (situated in the North of the Island) has been the home of the Clan Mcleod for centuries. Castle tours including the spectacular Gardens will cost approx £19. There is a further charge if you want to take the boat trip to see the seal colony (we recommend this). Armadale Castle is situated in the South of the Island and the home of Clan Macdonald. This also has stunning gardens.

Whisky Distilleries

The island has two. The world-famous Talisker began producing c 1825 and is only 3 miles away from Bracadale House. We recommend you book a tour at least two weeks in advance as it is a very popular place in the summer. The other Distillery, Torabhaig, is located in Sleat on the south of the island. It is relatively new although now growing in popularity in its own right.

Neist Point Light House

Lovely light house designed by Stevenson situated on the most westerly point on the Isle of Skye (a destination for the recent ‘Mandalorian - Star Wars’ series popular for its magnificent sunsets). Please note there is a set of challenging steps down from the car park then a 20-minute walk out to the lighthouse.

Boat Trips

Several boat trips are available around the island.

Carbost (Wild Skye Boat trips) - Our local company operating out of Carbost taking trips up Loch Harport where dolphins can often be spotted. The Skipper, Steve, also tries to feed the Sea Eagles from the boat, allowing great photo opportunities.

Portree (MV Stardust) - Several boats run from here. Opportunity to see Minke Whales when in the vicinity otherwise the usual local wildlife

Elgol - Thought to be the best one which runs from the south of the island. Has been known to see Orca, Whales and Basking Shark when transiting the Island. Also visit Loch Coruisk which lies at the foot of the Cuillins and is otherwise inaccessible by road. A long lengthy walk is available from Sligachan or Kilmarie.

Please note, weather permitting, we can offer trips to our guests (Max 4 people) on our own boat (Catch 22). This would include the same route as the Carbost trip with the opportunity to do some fishing if desired.